Ditching Criss-Cross-Applesauce And Embracing Movement in Large Group Activities

Traditional sitting positions during circle time, such as "criss-cross applesauce," may not be suitable for all children due to developmental challenges and the potential negative impact on attention, engagement, and emotional well-being. In this workshop, we will explore alternative strategies that allow for a variety of sitting positions and incorporate active motor play to enhance children's learning experience.

OCC Approval Number: CKO-4860
Clock Hours: 2.5 Curriculum
Core of Knowledge Area: Curriculum

Traditional sitting positions during circle time, such as "criss-cross applesauce," may not be suitable for all children due to developmental challenges and the potential negative impact on attention, engagement, and emotional well-being. In this workshop, we will explore alternative strategies that allow for a variety of sitting positions and incorporate active motor play to enhance children's learning experience.